Can I get a reduction of shipping cost by an order of several items?
You ask 9,16 € for shipping of a parcel but I know that DHL will just ask for 7,90 €?
You have pictures of several alternatives at some of your articles, e.g. guardian angels. Can I choose between these alternatives?
Can I get a reduction of shipping cost by an order of several items?
Yes. We ask only shipping cost that you would pay in maximum by ordering every item apart. Example: You order a blue light mill (shipping 9,16 €), a yellow light mill (shipping 9,16 €), and a white glassdrop (shipping 2,90 €). The maximum of shipping cost that you will pay if you order all items apart is 9,16 €. Thus, we will ask for shipping only 9,16 € for all three items even if we pay an higher amount.
[to list of questions]You ask 9,16 € for shipping of a parcel but I know that DHL will just ask for 7,90 €?
Shipping costs include German VAT.
Postal charges of DHL do not include VAT by law. But, as soon as we charge shipping costs we will have to pay it to our tax office because in that case it counts as turnover.
By contrast, we do not have to add VAT to postal charges of Hermes. They have VAT in their prices already included because they are no subject to that law.
You have pictures of several alternatives at some of your articles, e.g. guardian angels. Can I choose between these alternatives?
In this case, all items are produced in general by hand an thus individually. Usually, we don’t have the shown items anymore. You can send us to a message that you want to choose between variants and let us know your e-mail address. We will send you pictures of currently available variants that you can choose of.
[to list of questions]